The insurance industry revolves around relationships—but at the end of the day, an insurance policy is a legal contract between an insurance company and the policyholder. Understanding what your insurance policy actually says is essential to ensuring that your company has the coverage you need. Modern insurance policies can be hundreds of pages long, and reading an insurance policy requires a specialized skill set. Our insurance experts have spent years reading insurance policies so that you don't have to.
Insurance policy analysis is a core component of our consulting practice. We've developed a proprietary process for reviewing insurance policies in order to timely provide our clients with the information you need to make an informed decision about the coverage best suited for your business. Our systemic approach includes:
Real-time comparisons of competing insurance quotes
Confirmation that the quoted insurance properly covers your most significant exposures
Identification of unacceptable coverage limitations and options for coverage enhancements
Verification that the final policy issued matches the terms quoted and bound
Recommendations for additional insurance coverage
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